Sunday, 11 September 2011

House- 99%!!!

First things first, the percentage isn't 99%, and the number is not even close to 75%. The put the number just because they look lucky (to me).

The house was bought about 1 year ago when it was not done yet. It will be in 3 months, which is in December. Although I wish to comfort myself in the new house, I will have to wait for 1 month until the furniture moves in, so the real time that I will move in is on January.

What's different about this house and the previous one is that this house is going to be designed by a PRO designer (that's what they said). Nobody would want their houses designed by somebody inexperienced (including themselves), so they just gave the job to the designers, like I did.

I saw the designs once, and believe me, the designer could start her own show, know what I mean?The designs are just too wonderful. My room is no longer a room, it's a sanctuary. A palace. A mansion. A heaven. And many more words to describe.

4 months is a long time. Guess I'll just keep waiting...

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