Saturday, 19 December 2009

5 days 4 nights at Buddhist Camp Day 4 2/2

...We all are very excited. You know the winners will get a trophy each person and get to show-off at the closing ceremony. That's why we are excited. There are 3 different types of trophies. The best MV, the best drama, and of course, the best hand language/dance. Cause we are the 4th, we get to practise again our MV. The problem is, there had been changes. Great, now I'm becoming a train for the 1st part, then back to my places in the 2nd part. At least I'm the head of the train, and I get to act after all. So we watched and watched, when the 2nd group started acting, our eyes popped out. It was so great, that I can ensure it's gonna win, they are just so unique, that I can't use words to describe them. And for the 3rd, if I write down everything no one would believe me! When the 3rd started acting, we went on the backstage. Don't ask me how I could see on the backstage, cause... Alright. There is a window, happy? When they finished, we got on stage. We went to our places, and it went perfect, until.... Did you read about the train? Cause we didn't practise it, When the train started surrounding the people the music started. So we have to do it so quickly that you had known: we made a BIG mistake. So after acting still a big wave of applause, but it seemed more quiet than the 2nd team's applause. Sigh, that's what happens if yo make big changes.

After that I felt uncomfortable again, so I have to go to you know, the medic room. It turned out I have to sleep in the medic's, again. So I missed out some of the shows =_= thanks to viruses. After all those shows, I went to rest. Sleep for an hour and something, I went for dinner, and no campers. After I went to medic's not for sleep, for nothing. They told me that there is gonna have a campfire tonight, and ask me if I wanna come, and the answer is a 'yes'.

So after 5 minutes, the campfire started. They started dancing and stuff, while me and the other sick guys watch them fooling around. After they threw a fireball to the wood, the wood started burning, and burning, and burning.

After that, they went for supper, and I went for sleep!

1 comment:

Tan.CS said...

Thanks for details sharing on your first Buddhist camp.
Send my regards from Swiss, Luzern to all of you and Happy New Year.