Sunday, 20 December 2009

Clan Jetties

I bet all of you know what's a clan, but a clan jetty? What is it? Ok, I'll tell you what it is. It's a place where it's near to the sea, and, the people live in there. But there are different types of clans, so there are more than 1 jetties. For example the Lim Jetty, or the Chew Jetty, and so on and on. I went to two of those jetties (up there) yesterday, am I'm here to tell you about it.

All this things here are the things I see and my opinions.

If you went there, you would think of your house (For an Malaysian adult) It was so old. To tell you, almost every house over there is the house you can find in Malaysia in the 70's. And 90%( by that i mean most) of the houses over there is made out of wood. And if you have a sensitive nose, you would smell something awful(to me). And, if you look inside the houses, first thing you would see is a statue of their Taoism god. And at some jetties at the end you would find a temple. Also, the waste you do in the toilet comes straight down to the sea! How awful is that? The jetties has became a place of tourism. They also have a jetty competition, and I'm surprised by that. Ok. Enough with my opinions, I'll show you all the jetties down there.

Seh Lim Keo (Lim Jetty)
Seh Chew Keo (Chew Jetty)
Seh Tan Keo (Tan Jetty)
Seh Lee Keo (Lee Jetty)
Chap Seh Keo (Mixed Clan Jetty)
Seh Yeoh Keo (Yeoh Jetty)

You should go and see for yourself! Cause I only went there for an hour and a half only. :p

P.S.Actually I didn't want to go there, I was forced! Because the real place I wanna go is the Megamall shopping for the game Plants vs. Zombies. This note was deleted by me due some reasons.

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