Friday, 29 October 2010

Childrens Day

Today is Childrens Day. Although this is supposed to be our day, but this isn't exactly our happiest Childrens Day out of all the Childrens Day we've been through, because of one reason. This is the last Children's Day we'll ever celebrate. Even though we are still not-adults under the age of 18, but for some reason, they never let us celebrate Children's Day when you're 13 years old or higher, but lets just skip the sad stuff. Here's what happened at our last Children's Day.

I arrived at school pretty late, which is 7:15. Everybody had arrived. It I hadn't reserve my seat yesterday, I had to sit somewhere else which maybe next to a weird. So I sit next to my best friend. I putted my container filled with jelly on the table, which is full with champagne, food and etc., then I used the remaining time before the boring o' speech to play Yu-Gi-Oh with my friend, which is quite popular in my class.

At 8:15, we had to line up and go to the school hall and listen the principal and the important guests taking speeches. I didn't exactly hear what they had said, because I was busying checking my nails. After 30 minutes, we finally can get back to our class, but we cant eat yet. We have to wait the "important" guests to come and eat something first, then we can eat. When the guests left, I took out my bowl and cup and filled it with fries, fried chicken, tempura, soft drinks and champagne.

After eating and drinking and retain consciousness from a major brainfreeze, we had a class singing competition, which only 3 boys and 1 pair of girls (which is counted as 1) participated. We voted the person who is our friend, so basiclly nobody listened to what they are singing. The girls have won, for 1 particualar reason. Girls >Boys.

Then, were free. Some of us played cards, danced, played Monopoly and chatted. It went on about 2 hours. Then, the teacher organized a game for us, which is called "Find the General". The teacher told me to be the general for a couple of times, but luckily, I refused, or I would make a fool of myself.

12:25 was when the gamed ended. We recieved a bag from the school which was contained with snacks and treats, then went home happily.

Sounds like a boring Children's Day does it? Actually, its already good enough to celebrate it like this. I heard that some classes still have to have lessons!

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

New Disease


27 October 2010, Wednesday

Recently, there is a disease roaming around primary schools, especially grade 5 and 6. Almost everybody in the class (including me) has got the disease, called Disease L, a.k.a lovesick. The first victim of this disease is a boy and a girl 9 months ago, but that disease didn't spread far, until the day 24 September 2010, which is the day the UPSR had officially ended, this disease began to spread far and far, until 90% of the class got this horrible disease.

How can you tell that a person has been infected by this disease?

The school scientists tells it all.

The common symptoms of the male victims of Disease L are ...

  1. When he meets the girl he likes, he cant speak anything but Uh....
  2. When he meets the girl he likes, look at his face or ears. They will be unusually red*.
*Symptoms may vary

Information obtained from Anonymous User IP ********** YouTube Comment.

Still no remedy is known to cure this disease.

Effects of the disease: The victims (if rejected)'s brain power will decrease. They will become pessimistic. If serious, they will think of ways to take revenge or they will be emos.

To prevent school students and you becoming emos, contact Mrs. Tan (09-123573828) for Disease L prevention shots. Each shots cost 5 dollars.

Published by *****,