Yesterday, I took a visit to my house which I'm going to live in next year. When I stepped in my front yard, I saw five cute things that would make you spit rainbows. In front of my door, I saw 5 puppies taking a nap there. Five different breeds, no bitch (not a swear word) to take care of them, which could only mean 1 thing.
It's actually kind of sad to see this scene. Who would throw puppies in front of people's house? People with hearts made out of steel that is. OK. Among the 5 puppies, there are 2 white, 2 brown and 1 black. (The way I write the sentence above made some of my friends thought I was writing the number of races in Malaysia. Go figure.)
One of the white puppies look like my dog toy at home, while the other is the type of dog you would see frequently in movies. The black puppy is a cross breed between a Rottweiler and a ________ (I think). Fill the blank space yourself). The brown puppies look pretty much the same, except one of the puppies have so much fur I thought how in the world there was a bear cub sleeping in front on my door.
I got my eyes laid on Mr. Dog Toy, but I couldn't take her home (Ya, its a she). You see, this is the type of time where you need to have good relationship with your parents,
So when I went to my house yesterday, there were 3 puppies, Bear, Brown and Rott. Apparently Movie Dog has been adopted by some crazy director to role the movie 'Superbuds 5'. My favourite dog has been taken away by my aunt to adopt until I move in to my mansion. Although those 3 dogs aren't what I was expecting, that didn't stop me to play with them.
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